Madison County

Humane Society
Founded in 1973, the Madison
County Humane Society (MCHS) is
the only private, no-kill shelter and rescue in
Madison County, Indiana. It houses more
than one hundred animals at a time and
supports additional animals in foster
care. As a nonprofit organization, the
humane society is entirely funded by
donations, fund-raising, and the fees
associated with animal adoption and
surrender. It supports local animal-
control efforts by finding homes for
hundreds of animals each year and
taking in animals from other regional
areas and shelters.
Rooted in the neighborhood for 50
years, the humane society owns
approximately 0.6 acres of land in a
mostly residential area on Anderson’s
north side. MCHS actively participates
in community revitalization through
purchase of adjoining properties
and removing dangerous, neglected
structures. The facility is operated
daily by a small and dedicated team of
staff and by the support of volunteers
donating their time.
The humane society currently
consists of five, separate buildings
which are aging and in need of
repair. This project seeks to improve
the function and safety of the day-
to-day shelter operations, as well as
improving the adopter experience,
creating a calmer environment for the
animals, expanding services offered,
and improving building performance
to help reduce overhead costs and
energy consumption.